Class | Description |
Annotations |
Annotations is a merging adapter for the
AnnotatedElement interface |
ArrayUtils |
ArrayUtils provides array related utility functionality
BeanMap |
An implementation of Map for JavaBeans which uses introspection to
get and put properties in the bean.
BeanMap.MyMapEntry |
Map entry used by
BeanMap . |
BeanUtils |
BeanUtils provides JavaBean compliant property de/capitalization functionality
CollectionUtils |
CollectionUtils provides addition operations for Collection types that provide an immutable type
for single item collections and after that mutable instances
ConstructorUtils |
ConstructorUtils provides constructor resolving functionality
ConstructorUtils.ArgumentTransformer | |
FileUtils |
FileUtils provides File handling functionality
JavaSyntaxUtils | Deprecated
use the built-in
keyword list instead. |
MathUtils |
MathUtils provides Math related functionality
MultiIterator<T> |
MultiIterator provides a cartesian view on the given iterators
NullSafeComparableComparator<T extends Comparable<T>> |
NullSafeComparableComparator is a null safe comparator for Comparable objects
ReflectionUtils |
ReflectionUtils provides Reflection related functionality
ResultSetAdapter |
ResultSetAdapter is an adapter implementation of the ResultSet interface |
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