Uses of Class

Packages that use BooleanBuilder
com.mysema.query Contains basic Query elements 

Uses of BooleanBuilder in com.mysema.query

Methods in com.mysema.query that return BooleanBuilder
 BooleanBuilder BooleanBuilder.and(Predicate right)
          Create the insertion of this and the given predicate
 BooleanBuilder BooleanBuilder.andAnyOf(Predicate... args)
          Create the intersection of this and the union of the given args
 BooleanBuilder BooleanBuilder.andNot(Predicate right)
          Create the insertion of this and the negation of the given predicate
 BooleanBuilder BooleanBuilder.clone()
 BooleanBuilder BooleanBuilder.not()
 BooleanBuilder BooleanBuilder.or(Predicate right)
          Create the union of this and the given predicate
 BooleanBuilder BooleanBuilder.orAllOf(Predicate... args)
          Create the union of this and the intersection of the given args
 BooleanBuilder BooleanBuilder.orNot(Predicate right)
          Create the union of this and the negation of the given predicate

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